Serums and boosters


Intensive Lipo-draining Body Booster

Size: Flacone 100 ml

A cocktail of highly effective ingredients, enclosed in a booster that harmonizes lipolytic and draining effects, skin biodynamization and circulation stimulation.
The mix of Phosphatidylcholine, Carnitine, Caffeine and Guarana with stimulating properties, Escin which improves microcirculation, the precious Sesazone 6000 with an energizing action and a new combination of Sylibum marianum stem cells and Bearberry promote the consumption of fats and inhibit their accumulation.


Principi ATTIVI

Thanks to its ability to improve blood circulation, it is used to reduce swelling and combat cellulite. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory actions help protect against free radical damage and reduce inflammation. In addition, it strengthens blood vessels, reducing redness and dilated capillaries, and acts as a skin toner, especially in areas affected by water retention.
It is an ingredient capable of promoting the metabolism of fat. It works by stimulating the process of converting fats into energy, helping reduce the presence of fatty deposits and improving skin suppleness. Thanks to its ability to convey fatty acids into cells, carnitine can help firm up skin tissues, reducing the appearance of cellulite and promoting firmer skin.
It is a functional ingredient used to reduce cellulite and fat in specific areas. It helps melt fat and generate heat in the body. It also promotes fluid drainage, reduces swelling, and stimulates the release of fat from fat cells by inhibiting an enzyme called phosphodiesterase.
It is a molecule extracted from soy and one of the most abundant phospholipids in human tissues. It promotes the skin penetration of functional ingredients (it acts as a carrier) and intervenes in the adipose tissue by solubilizing fats, reducing the volume of the cells that contain them (adipocytes), promoting the elimination and conversion of fats into energy and stimulating the release of fat from adipose cells and its disposal through natural ways.
Guarana Extract
It works in synergy with other active ingredients to activate lipolysis.
Ingredient known for the treatment of cellulite and localized fat deposits, thanks to its lipolytic and thermogenic properties. It stimulates drainage and the removal of stagnant liquids (anti-edematous function), and promotes the mobilization of fatty acids in the adipose tissue. Finally, it inhibits intracellular phosphodiesterase, boosting lipolysis.
Blueberry Extract
Beneficial properties on the microcirculation.
Sesazone 6000 Ozone
Sesame Oil bubbled with Ozone. This highly enhanced ingredient can be a "warehouse" of active, stabilized and bio-available oxygen, with numerous beneficial properties for cells and skin. It improves cell energy and has an overall germicidal activity. Furthermore, it intervenes on the skin tissues through a revitalizing, re-epithelizing and healing action.
Horse Chestnut
Selected for its ability to decongest the skin, it strengthens capillaries and improves skin microcirculation.
Stems of Sylibum Marianum and Bearberry
This particular composition mimics exposure to cold and exercise, favoring the evolution of white adipose tissue into brown. By increasing tissue vascularization, inhibiting adipogenesis and lipogenesis, and reducing lipolysis, it proves to be a key ingredient for redefining the silhouette.
It is a molecule extracted from soy and one of the most abundant phospholipids in human tissues. It promotes the skin penetration of functional ingredients (it acts as a carrier) and intervenes in the adipose tissue by solubilizing fats, reducing the volume of the cells that contain them (adipocytes), promoting the elimination and conversion of fats into energy and stimulating the release of fat from adipose cells and its disposal through natural ways.
Its regular use facilitates the body contouring thanks to its lipolytic, draining effect.

Take the appropriate quantity of product for the areas being treated and gently massage until completely absorbed.


Find out how to top off your care and beauty routine with products specific to your skin's needs, to use in the morning and at night. A daily routine combined with some special treatments ensures healthy and glowing skin, at all ages.

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