Knowledge, know-how and advanced skills: for operators who choose to embrace its philosophy, Beauty Spa provides a team of technical consultants capable of enhancing individual skills and performance in the spa centers/beauty parlors.

In fact, several opportunities arise throughout the year for targeted training and the tools offered for a professional and accurate diagnosis, from which to start to identify the esthetic-functional objectives and provide excellent service orientation to the client. Furthermore, Beauty Spa accompanies its customers so that they specialize in the sale of products in the Spa center/beauty parlor, in sell-out and in arranging one’s work by goals, as well as in the correct planning and management of the Beauty Parlor. This translates into business development and optimization of activities for our customers.

10 reasons to choose Beauty Spa
Why become a Beauty Spa beautician?

In order to be a true expert in the profession, with advanced skills and operations based on the logic of the most modern Specialist Cosmetology. But there are many other reasons – at least 10 – that we invite you to discover.


Thirty years of expertise in the treatment and care of the skin


A wide range of high-performance, safe and reliable products, formulated to deal with every blemish and every skin type, with tested and guaranteed effectiveness


Treatment courses targeted for the specific needs of the client


Training of beauticians and their constant professionalization through continuous annual courses with expert and qualified teachers


Strategic consultancy in the Spa center/beauty parlor for performance optimization


Methodological innovation (new treatments, treatment courses and proposals for treatments in the spa room) and product innovation, with numerous annual launches starting from the proposals of the company’s in-house Research and Development Laboratory


Selected, high-quality raw materials, with accredited, prominent suppliers in the chemical industry


Beauty team with high expertise in diagnosis, product, treatment, massage, soft skills, relational and management skills


Attention to the sustainability of the product, process and supply chain (the company obtained the Silver EcoVadis Sustainability Rating in 2022) and annual preparation of the Sustainability Report


ISO 9001 and ISO 22716 quality certifications